Atividades das Reservas da Biosfera
Biosphere Reserves activities

Actively participating in the activities of the Biosphere Reserves means doing more for people and the planet

Activities of the Biosphere Reserves

Doing more for our Reserves, doing more for people and the planet

Biosphere Reserves play a crucial role in biodiversity conservation, sustainable development and the promotion of environmental education. They play a very important role with communities, helping to strengthen social and territorial cohesion, enhancing local communities and their identity and, most importantly, playing a fundamental role in terms of civic participation and environmental literacy and education.

Many of the activities in the Portuguese Biosphere Reserves are open to the general public, particularly schools, while at the same time giving people the chance to take part in various activities dedicated to nature conservation and many other social and cultural dynamics.

Openness and participation in these activities is essential to the success of the Reserves’ mission, which is, after all, a global mission to promote sustainability and contribute to the well-being of people and the planet.

The range of initiatives and activities carried out by the Reserves is very diverse and responds to various interests, abilities and age groups, attracting a broad spectrum of individuals. They generally include the following types:

  • Educational Workshops and Tours: Educational workshops and guided tours provide valuable insights into the reserves’ ecosystems, their flora, fauna, and the importance of conservation. These experiences enhance public understanding and appreciation, nurturing a sense of responsibility towards sustainable practices.

  • Adventure and Recreation: Adventure activities like hiking, kayaking, camping, and bird-watching not only promote a connection with nature but also encourage physical fitness and mental well-being. By providing opportunities for recreation in a natural setting, reserves encourage a healthy lifestyle.

  • Community Engagement and Cultural Events: Involving local communities in events that showcase their culture, traditions, and traditional practices related to sustainability fosters a sense of ownership and pride. It also helps visitors understand the rich heritage associated with the biosphere reserve and the importance of preserving it.

  • Citizen Science and Volunteering Programs: Engaging the public in citizen science projects allows them to actively contribute to data collection and research. This involvement empowers individuals to see the direct impact of their actions and supports scientific efforts for conservation and sustainability.

  • Environmental Awareness Campaigns: Conducting campaigns that raise awareness about pressing environmental issues, such as climate change, pollution, or deforestation, informs and mobilizes people to take action towards a sustainable future.

  • Agricultural and Sustainable Practices Demonstrations: Showcasing sustainable agricultural and farming practices within the reserves demonstrates the balance between human activities and nature. This serves as an educational platform for visitors and local farmers alike, promoting ecologically responsible practices.

  • Nature Interpretation Centers: Establishing interpretation centers provides visitors with interactive exhibits and informational materials about the local environment, its unique features, and the efforts being made for its conservation. It deepens the understanding of biodiversity and fosters a stronger connection with nature.

  • Art and Cultural Exhibitions: Encouraging art and cultural exhibitions that depict the beauty of nature and the importance of its conservation provides a creative way to convey important messages about sustainability and environmental protection.

The significance of these diverse activities extends beyond the reserves themselves.

By actively engaging people, biosphere reserves can cultivate a sense of responsibility and commitment to sustainable practices in their daily lives. This heightened awareness, understanding, and participation contribute to achieving the reserve’s mission for long-term sustainability, biodiversity preservation, and the overall well-being of both people and the planet. It is a collective effort that shapes a more sustainable and harmonious relationship between humanity and the natural world.

Find out about and take part in the activities organised by the Biosphere Reserves.

Water Quality Monitoring

Monitoring water, in the atmospheric branch, in the continental branch (surface and underground), in terms of quantity and quality, as well as hydromorphology and aquatic ecosystems, is the first element in measuring the state of water systems, the effectiveness of planning measures and the efficiency of management measures. By making the information collected directly available to citizens and other organisations, it also makes an important contribution to participatory management and citizenship.

Water quality in the water environment can be affected by many factors. The equilibrium conditions often fluctuate, mainly due to external pressures, which justifies the need to implement a monitoring programme that is sensitive to these changes and subsequently allows action to be taken on them.

Biodiversity in Agriculture

Biodiversity loss is one of the greatest threats facing humanity, since the need to increase production requires agricultural intensification, which is usually associated with biodiversity loss. A greater loss of biodiversity implies a loss of productivity, and therefore greater pressure on wet forest areas to make up for a lack of productivity.

Farmers are therefore challenged through their intelligence and attitudes to overcome this serious problem.

To this end, activities are being developed on some farms in terms of good agricultural practices for biodiversity, as well as a series of awareness-raising activities for other farmers to show them that intensive agriculture is not incompatible with biodiversity conservation.

It is by perpetuating environmental balances on farms that we will be able to ensure the productive potential of soils in the future.

Bird ringing

The ringing technique was introduced by H.C. Mortensen in Denmark in 1889. At first, it was used to study the movements of starlings Sturnus spp, but since then it has provided remarkable advances in scientific knowledge of bird migrations.

Scientific ringing is a research method based on the individual marking of birds, usually with a small metal ring on which a unique combination of characters is engraved. Any record of the recovery of a ringed bird, obtained through its recapture and subsequent release, or when the bird is found already dead, can provide a lot of useful information about the bird’s life and, in particular, its movements.

Nature Watch

Throughout the area of the biosphere reserve, they carry out surveillance, inspection and monitoring duties relating to the environment and natural resources, particularly in the field of water, natural heritage and nature conservation.

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