These are memories and stories shared by people who witnessed and played a leading role in the construction and preservation of the Reserves and their natural, historical and cultural heritage.
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Share your memories, objects and photographs that depict the landscapes, people, species, cultural practices and economic activities that make up the history of the 12 Biosphere Reserves in Portugal.
Memory for All / Memória para Todos® is a research and knowledge-sharing programme committed to promoting the study, organisation and dissemination of historical, cultural, technological and digital heritage, developed in close relationship with archives and libraries, public administration institutions, municipalities and local authorities, private entities, schools and local associations.
It is, by nature, a collaborative project, with a vast team of collaborators from academia and society in general, and is based on and encourages collaborative research and knowledge-building practices.
It invites and encourages convergence and dialogue between various disciplines and scientific areas, and is intrinsically transdisciplinary.
Under the banner Make History by sharing yours, the programme records, preserves and shares stories and memories, including oral testimonies, documentation and personal and family objects, valuing the stories of lives and communities.
The content gathered (such as objects, photographs, audio and video testimonies, sounds and other records) with the participation and involvement of citizens and institutions is made available online in open access.