Atlas of Portugal Biosphere Reserves

The Atlas of Portugal Biosphere Reserves provides a visualization where nature, sus- tainability, history, heritage, knowledge, and discovery converge, offering an enriching interpretation of the Biosphere Reserves of Portugal. Through introductory and contextualizing texts, organized information is presented in maps, tables, and graphs, allowing an understanding of the physical and administrative configuration of the territories. This includes characterizing the resident populations and communities, their evolution over time, the relevance of natural and cultural heritage, economic activities, risks, and ecosystem services associated with the 12 Biosphere Reserves of Portugal, both collectively and individually.

Authors: Maria Fernanda Rollo / Maria João Martins
Year of publication: 2023


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From this, it is possible to contribute to a perception of the meaning and impact of the Biosphere Reserve status, comprehending to what extent they represent and contribute to the well-being of people and the quality of nature in these territories. In other words, the aim is, through the information provided in this Atlas, to contribute to a more detailed assessment of the role and impact of the Biosphere Reserves of Portugal on sustainability.

The Atlas of Portugal Biosphere Reserves is composed of three parts.

The first part introduces the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MaB) Program, briefly describing its history, contextualizing and explaining the concept of biosphere reserve, and the creation of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. It also characterizes the Network of Reserves of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) for its relevance to Portugal. This section includes a set of maps and tables illustrating the composition of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves and the Biosphere Reserves by region, indicating their location, areas, and associated population. It also presents a map highlighting the correspondence between the Biosphere Reserves and biodiversity hotspots identified by Conservation International.

The second part is dedicated to the Network of Biosphere Reserves in Portugal, starting with a text that briefly and generally describes its constitution and evolution. It identifies and presents, through maps and tables, their location and contextualization within the UNESCO framework. This part is then subdivided into various categories of observation and analysis, invoking various indicators or subcategories that provide an overview and comparison between the 12 Reserves: Territories and communities, Population, Classified areas, Natural heritage, Cultural heritage, Economic and social activity, Tourism, Science, technology and innovation, Well-being and quality of life, Risks, and Ecosystem services.

The third part focuses on each of the 12 Biosphere Reserves of Portugal, including an introductory text characterizing each Reserve and presenting a sequence of maps, graphs, and tables that develop the aforementioned categories. The process of creating the base information for the development of this Atlas and the statistical data panel provided through the portal of the Biosphere Reserves of Portugal involved a specific and meticulous methodology, ensuring accuracy and reliability.

Atlas of Portugal Biosphere Reserves

  • Authors

    Maria Fernanda Rollo

    Maria João Martins

  • Year of publication


  • Publisher

    NOVA FCSH Lisboa, 2023

  • Funded by

    Through the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are partners, in the internal market of the Member States of the European Union. As a way of promoting a continuous and balanced strengthening of the economic and trade relations, the parties of the EEA Agreement have established a Multiannual Financial Mechanism, known as the EEA Grants.

    The EEA Grants aims to reduce the economic and social disparities in Europe and strengthen the bilateral relations between beneficiary and donor countries. For the period 2014-2021, a total contribution of 2.8 billion euros was agreed for 15 beneficiary countries. Portugal will benefit from an amount of 102,7M€

    Find out more at



  • ISBN: 978-972-9347-58-0

History of Portuguese Biosphere Reserves
History of Portuguese Biosphere Reserves

The History of Portuguese Biosphere Reserves outlines the creation of the MaB Programme, the history of the National MaB Committee, and the history of each of Portugal’s Biosphere Reserves.

History of Portuguese Biosphere Reserves


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